Come, Messiah, Come: A Musical Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent

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Come, Messiah, Come: A Musical Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent

Today’s reflection is a new meditation song by Sister Jayne Erickson.

Click on the link below, then sit back, relax, and let the Spirit rest gently upon you.


Come, Messiah, Come

Come, Messiah Come.

Fill us with Your love.

Dispel all darkness and fear with Your light.

Come, Messiah Come.


The world waited for the day to unfold

As the prophets of long ago foretold

When a Savior would come from Heaven to Earth

And all would be made new.


Come, Messiah Come.

Fill us with Your love.

Dispel all darkness and fear with Your light.

Come, Messiah Come.


Lord, make us mindful of Your ways.

Have mercy and fill us with Your grace.

Come, be born in our hearts that we might touch the world

Bringing hope of Peace on Earth.


Come, Messiah Come.

Fill us with Your love.

Dispel all darkness and fear with Your light.

Come, Messiah…

Come, Messiah…

Come, Messiah Come.


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“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict