Saturday, March 25, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to noon
McCabe Renewal Center
2125 Abbotsford Avenue
Duluth, Minnesota
$35 (refreshments included)
Can you drink the cup of life?
Can you taste all the sorrows and joys?
Can you live your life to the full whatever it will bring?
(Matthew 20:21-28)
The morning will not provide answers, but you will have time to mull these questions over in your own mind and heart. The conversation is based on the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen and Sr. Joyce Rupp.
Please bring with you a cup that is special to you.
Facilitator: Sister Sarah O’Malley, OSB, has authored twelve books on pastoral topics and given numerous presentations and retreats based on lives of Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses of varied times and faiths.
To register call 218-724-5266, email, or go online at