So Much Going On!

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So Much Going On!

There is so much going on in the world today that can make us feel powerless, uncertain, and scared. Here are some tips to use to pray during these uncertain times.

  1. Acknowledge God’s power. In the midst of all that is going on in the world and in our personal lives, we can forget that God is powerfully present in our world. Take time to reflect upon God’s goodness and greatness. Let that truth motivate you to pray.
  2. Pray alphabetically. We can become overwhelmed with all that is going on. One way to slow down and reflect is to pray for things alphabetically. List all the countries in the world, especially places of conflict. List issues of concern, such as abortion, poverty, and human trafficking. List the people in your life, people in the news, political leaders.
  3. Pray the Rosary. When praying the Rosary use the mysteries to help you pray for issues in the world and to pray for particular people. For example: when praying the Luminous Mystery of the Wedding at Cana, you can pray for all married couples whom you know; when praying the Sorrowful Mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar, you can pray for hostages and victims of torture; when praying the Joyful Mystery of the Nativity, pray for your children, grandchildren and the safety and wellbeing of all children of the world.
  4. Pray with the news. Use the headlines of news sources to create a litany of prayers and respond to each with the invocation, “Jesus, have mercy” or create petitions and pray, “Jesus, help us.” When watching the evening news use the commercial breaks to pray about what has been reported.
  5. Pray for God’s kingdom to come. When we pray for all that is going on, remember that we do not have to have the solutions and answers. We can surrender all to God and pray for His kingdom to come, and His will to be done.

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–Henri Nouwen