Sister Lisa Maurer – What Do You Wonder?

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Sister Lisa Maurer – What Do You Wonder?

Do you ever wonder what it would have been like to have been alive in Jesus’ time?  To have been around to witness the events that are recorded about Jesus and the early Christians?  To experience the beginnings of the Church as told in the New Testament?   I do.I often wonder what I would have done, how I would have acted.  I ponder how I would have responded to Jesus.  Would I have believed in Him?  Would I have followed Him?  Closely?  From afar?  Or would I have been skeptical and unbelieving?I’d like to think I would have been right there by Jesus, learning from him and following his example.  I imagine that he would have been such an awesome, holy, and magnetic person that I could not have resisted. Sometimes I don’t take Jesus at his word when he said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed” (John 20:29).  I would much rather see Jesus, touch Jesus, and hear him preach and teach.  But then I think of what I do have and that I do experience Jesus ever so actually and intimately.  I think of the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and my Sisters.  I remember how Jesus said that he would be with us always until the end of time.  These things help me to believe and trust that I am indeed blessed, just as Jesus promised!

Sister Lisa asks, "What do you wonder?" 

That is what I wonder . . . and now I wonder . . . WHAT DO YOU WONDER?

Sister Lisa Maurer

Sister Lisa Maurer

Sister Lisa Maurer was born and raised in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, before entering the Monastery, Sister Lisa taught and coached in Catholic Schools within the New Ulm Diocese. Sister Lisa made her first Monastic Profession in August 2009. She currently ministers at the parishes of St. Lawrence and St. Joseph in Duluth.See all of Sister Lisa’s posts.


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“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict