Benedict’s Wisdom for Today

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Benedict’s Wisdom for Today

As we honor St. Benedict on this feast day let us reflect on his beginnings and see what wisdom he has for today. We know from the Dialogues of Pope St. Gregory, that Benedict witnessed the immoralities of his day and fled from those temptations to embrace a life of holiness. When reading the news and hearing reports of things that are happening today around the world and in local societies, I often wonder what Benedict would think. Would he be appalled? Are we now experiencing some of the same immoralities that made Benedict flee so many years ago? What is Benedict’s wisdom for today?

I am not writing this as a commentary on current global issues or the ills of contemporary society but rather to highlight and embrace what Benedict’s wisdom might mean for today. When he witnessed depravity, he fled from temptations and embraced a life of holiness. I am not suggesting that we should run off to live in a cave in the mountains like Benedict did but I do suggest that we follow Benedict’s example in fighting temptation and embracing a life of holiness.

In every age, be it the sixth or the twenty-first century, there is a constant battle between evil and good. Benedict knew the reality of that battle. He knew that he needed to take steps to stay true to God and to be who and how God was calling him to be. He did not want to let anything prevent him from preferring nothing to the love of Christ.

In the spirit of Benedict, take some time to reflect on the fact that God also calls you to flee from sin and embrace a life of holiness. What does that mean for you?  What would that look like?

St. Benedict…pray for us!

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“Before all, and above all, attention shall be paid to the care of the sick, so that they shall be served as if they were Christ Himself.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict