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Good Friday

April 2, 2021

On Good Friday we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Catholics are joined by almost all other Christians in solemn commemoration on this day. The centuries fall away, and in a very real way we follow Jesus through the dusty streets to the hill and stand at the foot of his cross.

Good Friday is a day of fast. There is no celebration of the Eucharist. We receive Communion with hosts consecrated on Holy Thursday. Church bells are silent and altars are left bare.

The solemn, muted atmosphere is preserved until the Easter Vigil.

To listen to the Reproaches set to music, click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=culZaGcbjko


April 2, 2021
Event Category:
“Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life...all of our life.”
–Henri Nouwen