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From our earliest beginnings in Duluth, the Sisters promoted education. We founded and taught in elementary and secondary schools throughout the Diocese and in colleges and universities. Many Sisters taught summer religious education classes.

Most of our teaching Sisters are now retired, but a handful continue out of love for the students. Sister Mary Josephine Torborg is Professor Emeritus at The College of St. Scholastica. She also is part of the team planning and implementing the annual ecumenical Youth Theology Institute. Every July, high school students encounter the voice of God in scripture, nature, and community. Students are paired with Sisters who give them an open ear and listen to their story.

Sister Mary Josephine Torborg continue to teach theology at the College.
Sister Mary Josephine Torborg recently retired from the College and is Professor Emeritus.
Sister Mary Catherine Shambour was mentor to one of the high school students at the Youth Theology Institute.
+Sister Mary Catherine Shambour was mentor to one of the high school students at the Youth Theology Institute.

In an impoverished neighborhood just north of Chicago’s ‘Loop’, Sister Arlene Kleeman and Sister Lois Ann Glaudel help bring people out of poverty one family at a time.

They teach at two Catholic academies with many students from Nigeria and Ghana. With the help of friends in a wealthier parish, they provide the students with proper clothing and school supplies. Their families, who arrive in Chicago unequipped for a cold climate, receive warm clothing, blankets, furniture – whatever they lack – to help them settle in their new home. The young people learn English quickly and flourish in the supportive environment. Many of them go on to graduate from college.

Sister Lois Ann Glaudel with some of her younger students in Chicago
Sister Lois Ann Glaudel with some of her younger students in Chicago
Sister Arlene Kleeman teaches at a Catholic school in Chicago.
Sister Arlene Kleemann teaches at a Catholic school in Chicago.
“Benedict was certainly a teacher, and that’s what I’ve been called to be as a servant of God.  I can share different ways to achieve peace and unity through my words and actions.  God is using me, as He uses us all, to touch each other’s hearts, to plant His seed and watch it grow.”

– Sister Lois Ann Glaudel

“Before all, and above all, attention shall be paid to the care of the sick, so that they shall be served as if they were Christ Himself.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict